WBF – Women’s Bible Fellowship
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We are women, who study the Bible while having tremendous fellowship in the process. The study of God’s word empowers us to become the women we need to be for the Kingdom, with the added blessing of being the women we need to be to our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. We meet the first Monday of every month.
“In addition to the name Christian, the Bible uses a host of other terms to identify the followers of Jesus. Scripture describes us as children of God, citizens of heaven, and lights to the world. We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, members of His body, sheep in His flock, ambassador athletes, to fight like soldiers, to abide like branches in a vine, and even to desire His word as newborn babies long for milk. All of these descriptions – each in its own unique way – help us understand what it means to be a Christian.”
Our Current Study - God of Creation
The First Monday of each month, Becky is taking the women of Lighthouse Bible Church through a Bible study, called, “God of Creation.” It is based on a study by Jen Wilkin, which will take us through the first eleven chapters of the book of Genesis. In your discussions you will discover what the Bible says about God, His character, and His attributes. Becky’s approach uses the same Verse by Verse teaching as our Pastor Ted Dudak and our other leaders do in their careful study of God’s Holy and Precious Word. An exegetical, Verse by Verse study is necessary for our comprehension, interpretation, and application of the Scripture.
In this study, you will learn the fundamental truths about God. He brought and continues to bring forth light from the darkness. He brings order after chaos, and rest after toil. All this through the power of His Word.
God loves His chosen people. He always has and He always will. You may gain a deeper understanding of the stories you may already think you know. More importantly, you will learn to love God with your mind as well as your heart through the intentional study of His Word. “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)
You may find yourself gaining knowledge of yourself by first understanding God as He has revealed Himself through the Scriptures.
Fellowship Night
But wait - there is more! The third Monday of each month, we will have fellowship night. While there will not be a dinner this evening, we may have a little something. This evening, at the same time and place, will be a time of sharing testimonies. No one will pressure you to do so. However, you may consider sharing things, like when you were saved; how God has worked in your life lately; what has He has been showing you and teaching you. Perhaps sharing what the most profound things you have learned in your personal relationship with Christ. This has always been a time of encouragement to one another and inspiration. Building relationships, praying for one another and for our children and grandchildren, share your struggles. or whatever you feel the Lord has put on your heart. We will pray for them together.

On the third Monday of the month, the Women's Group meet for a great time of fellowship.

On the third Monday of the month, the Women's Group meet for a great time of fellowship.

On the third Monday of the month, the Women's Group meet for a great time of fellowship.

On the third Monday of the month, the Women's Group meet for a great time of fellowship.