The Excitement Continues to Build at Lighthouse Bible Church as the Mission Team is anxiously preparing for their upcoming trip to Haiti. June 6 is fast approaching. You may have noticed a couple of Blogs below that show how important and heartfelt the team that went last year feels. Some of them are returning for yet another visit to this poor impoverished country. They remember how poor these people are, yet how rich they are. It reminds me of Jesus’s telling John to write to the seven churches in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. To the church of Smyrna write.
Revelation 2:9 (ESV)
“I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) . . .”
As you can see above, we have more going on this mission trip this year. They too are excited to see what God has in store for them. They are working hard to help support their trip.
Financially, each team member needs to raise $1600. The first half is due on April 1. With the remaining due by May 1. As a team they are raising support through fundraisers and taking on extra jobs. That’s how very excited they are to be blessed by going to help these people, who are hungry for the Word of God.
Can you help? Yes. You can pray for the team, their trip, their time and their mission. Financially, each team member needs to raise $1600. The first half is due on April 1. With the remaining due by May 1.
If you can help, please see the Donation form below and be as generous as you possibly can. If you are unable to help please pray, pray, and pray some more. May God Bless you however, you may help.
Simply print, fill out and mail your form of payment today.
Please contact Karen Pasquariello (386) 585-0410 for more details if needed.
You can click on donate on CWO website https://secure-q.net/Donations/CWO/1414. Choose Haiti the team in the second drop down. Then you should put the team member(s) name in the comment field, or if you wish to support all of the team, please put Lighthouse Bible Church Mission Trip to Haiti.
Any way you donate is much appreciated and will be a Blessing to you!
