Dear Ministry Partners,
Greetings from the CWO ministry in Haiti! I know that the news about what is happening in Haiti has been spreading around the world pretty fast. The content of the news is quite disturbing. The kidnapping of the missionaries, the disturbing proliferation of the gangs, fuel being unavailable and the never-before experienced sociopolitical crisis in Haitian history. However, if we keep a positive mind set in the midst of such difficult times, there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

Hope is evident when we consider what has happened this month at the Port-au-Prince Grace Evangelical Baptist Church, one of the eight CWO churches in Haiti. Some members cannot walk or drive through dangerous areas to go to church but church services are held despite of this. On November 6, 2021, not only did the majority of the members of the church walk to church but they also walked to a water baptism ceremony held at a distance from the church. Four young people were water baptized. Water baptism in times like these is a great testimony and a great sign of hope for the church and for the country.

Pastor Icher of the Ouanaminthe church shared that the church ministry this year is marked by what transpired in the life of Auvel Paul and Georgette Birgo. They had been living outside of wedlock for the past 15 years. After several meetings with Pastor Icher, they finally accepted the Lord as their personal Savior. Recently, we were privileged to celebrate their wedding. Over the past several weeks, Auvel and Georgette have been sharing how happy they are to be in Christ. They also have been confessing that their 15 years they spent outside of wedlock have been wasted.

Marcelin Jean Noel was a former alcoholic and a lover of cockfights. He would get drunk and he would spend nights on the road when he was drunk. He was very zealous for satanic worship which sometimes goes hand in hand with cockfights. No one would think that he could ever become a Christian. However, the Lord did it! Under the ministry of Pastor Elino Jean Baptiste, Jean Noel has become a Christian and has been water baptized. He is now faithfully serving in ministry in the church.
The Feminine Training Center (FTC) in Port-au-Prince is having classes in spite of the dire sociopolitical situation prevailing in the country. We are greatly encouraged by the ladies’ enthusiasm and courage to keep coming to the FTC to learn new skills. The number of students has been reduced because of the security issues but we continue on. There are now 21 students in the Simple Sewing class, 29 in the Cosmetology class, 9 in the High Sewing class, and 18 in the Cooking and Baking class.
We are grateful for your prayers and financial support to the ministry of Christian World Outreach in Haiti. We want you to know that your prayerful support plays a major role in the ongoing ministry of CWO in Haiti. So we owe you, faithful partners, an eternal tribute of thanks.
Together in the service God and humans,
Joel and Marie ST AMOUR
Praise the Lord for:
For ministry to continue on in times like these in Haiti.
For lives that are being impacted by the ministry of CWO in Haiti. Pray for:
That the Leadership Conference can be held during the first week of January 2022.
That the critical issues facing Haitians can be solved and that peace can reign in the land.
That the innocent people in the land would not be victims of the rampant gratuitous violence that is raging in the country.