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Excitement Continues to Build for our Mission Team.

Writer's picture: kpasqukpasqu

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Dear Family and Friends:

Most of you will remember I went on my very 1st missions trip last year to Port Au Prince Haiti. It was an amazing experience to say the least. I went with the intention of wanting to be a blessing to the Haitian people but I, in fact, was the one who came home blessed! It's hard to believe that people who have so little......can be so full of joy!

I loved the mornings in Haiti. I'd wake up at 6 am to watch as the young children dressed in uniforms pass by as they walked themselves to school. The sounds of laughter from the guys in the streets as they started the day setting up to sell their merchandise to help make ends meet. The beautiful echos coming from a few churches who's doors were wide open singing praises and giving Glory to God. It was such an awesome way to start my day.

The reason I'm sharing my experience with you is I'm hoping you will see Haiti thru my eyes. I want you to have a heart for the Haitian people as I have come to have a heart for them. From June 6th – June 13th 2020 I will be going to Port Au Prince Haiti on my 2nd missions trip with Lighthouse Bible Church located in Palm Coast, FL who partners with Christian World Outreach. The purpose of our trip:

1) We will be giving our testimonies about our love of Christ and what he's done in our lives along with sharing "The Gospel of Jesus Christ".

2) We will be having classes for the women on "How To Build Self-Esteem" and "Raising and Disciplining Your Children".

3) We are having Vacation Bible School for the children along with games/crafts and also feeding 60 - 80 children on the days they are with us.

4) We will be making crafts with more than 180 women from the school which is also a bonding experience for us all.

5) We will be doing some on site repair work at the Women's School.

I’m excited about this opportunity and the experience that lie ahead. I hope you see the value in what we will accomplish. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support from a number of people. That being said, the cost of the trip is between $1,300.00 - $1,600.00 (depending on airfare). The cost covers housing, food, transportation, airfare, craft and ministry materials, translators etc. By donating financially you are joining in the effort to help serve the people of Haiti.


If you are unable to donate at this time, I would ask that you pray for me and our team daily while we are in Haiti from June 6th – June 13th 2020. Prayer is the fuel that will allow us to be successful as we follow God’s leading in this ministry.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to be a partner with me on this trip whether it be financially, prayerfully or both. I will be sharing with everyone on Facebook our experience while we are on this trip.

With Love,

Renee Franks

Christian World Outreach Website: CWO Phone Number: 303-723-0333



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