Hello, everyone! I am overjoyed to announce some fantastic news with you today. CWO invited me to join the Board of Directors of Christian World Outreach, or CWO for short. As you know, our church is a humble supporter of the CWO as part of our Missions Outreach.
It is an incredible organization that empowers various ministries around the world in places like Haiti, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Burkina Faso, and Zimbabwe. They are highly committed to sharing the Gospel, which is what makes these poor, persecuted people rich. They love the Lord and are eager for the Word of God!
The CWO offers and provides church planting, leadership development, community transformation, and medical care. You can find out more about them on their website: www.cwomissions.org. I am honored by this opportunity, and I hope to add value to their vision and mission.
One of the events that I will be taking part in as a board member is the CWO annual
banquet, which will happen on November 2, 2023. This event is listed on our website for anyone who wants to attend. I will be the MC for the evening, which means I will be leading the program and presenting the speakers and guests. I cannot wait to tell you more about some of the amazing people and projects that CWO is working on. Some of our Mission Team will also be there, Laura Geremia, Becky Carr and Derald Carr. It will be a wonderful time of fellowship and learning.
Another thing that I am planning to do in October is to meet with the CEO of East West Ministries, another partner organization that offers short term mission trips. I am curious about some of the opportunities for 2024, and maybe even leading a team from our church. I have a passion for cross-cultural ministry, and I would love to see more people try it.
Thank you for your prayers and support as I start this new journey. I value your encouragement and feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about anything I shared. God bless you!
Karen Pasquariello,
Missions Team Leader