We offer a variety of Ministries here at Lighthouse Bible Church. Hover over the ministries tab to select one of the ministries you are interested to learn more about or click on the hyperlink below to go directly to that page.
Prayer Closet - Sundays @ 0900 am - Lighthouse in Prayer Room
Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 pm @Lighthouse
Women's Bible Study- First Monday of the month 6:00 pm
Women’s Fellowship Third Monday of the month 6:00 pm
Men's 'Bible Study -Third Thursday of the month 6:30pm @Lighthouse
Balm of Gilead-Effective Series. Check our calendar for dates and times.
Youth Group - Every other Friday Check our calendar for dates and times.
Lighthouse Kidz - coming soon.
Nursery - 4 and under - During Service
Audio/Video Booth - see schedule