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Fellowship(s) are based on the sharing of something in common. Here at Lighthouse Bible Church, we have a strong bond that transcends worldly interests. Of course, we also enjoy talking about our hobbies, preferences, and experiences before and after our Sunday morning service, our Bible Studies, and our fellowship meals. We get to know our regular members and attenders better and appreciate their diversity. But what sets us apart is how our fellowship helps us to grow in our love for God and for each other. We care for each other and for the needs of those who visit our church. We welcome and greet them warmly and introduce them to the Pastor, who is always eager to meet them. Our priority is to share with them the blessing of the gospel message that Pastor faithfully preaches from the pulpit.

Our Senior Pastor Ted Dudak diligently and expositorily prepares both our Sunday Morning Service and our Wednesday Evening Bible Studies to present the Word of God in its fullness and clarity. He does not shy away from the hard topics or compromise the truth. He preaches Verse-By-Verse, letting Scripture interpret Scripture.


Our Music Ministry selects songs that are based on Scripture and lead the congregation in worshiping God in spirit and truth. Our Men's Bible Teacher, Rob Moritz, and our Women's Bible Teacher Rebecca (Becky) Carr, also teach their studies from a biblical perspective.

We are delighted to welcome Jordan Colubiale and Nikolena (Nikki) Perrine as the new leaders of our Youth Group. They have a passion for nurturing our young people aged ten and above, as well as their friends. They aim to create a vibrant and supportive community where everyone can enjoy fellowship, fun and games, pizza, and most importantly, learn how to follow God's Word in their daily lives!


Fellowship is Sweet

Click on any picture below to expand into a slide show. Here we see a small sampling of our sweet fellowship time.

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Meet and Greet

Meet and Greet

Pastor Ted Dudack is always eager to meet and greet and introduce and welcome newcomers to our members.

Fellowship Time

Fellowship Time

Fellowship is a time to get to know our regular members and attenders better and appreciate their diversity.

Fellowship Time is sweet_

Fellowship Time is sweet_

Our fellowship is so sweet a time that many remain as so engaged in it that they don't realize it is time to get started for Service.

Bagel Setup

Bagel Setup

Our Kitchen Staff works hard to put out a spread. Here in they have set up the Bagel station with the condiments.



Young and Old look forward to the sweets and they are plenty.

Coffee Table

Coffee Table

Of course we have to have a coffee station. It is good coffee, but sometimes a little strong (works for me).,

Desert Table

Desert Table

This is one of the tables our Kitchen Staff puts together for our morning service.

Fellowship in the Morning

Fellowship in the Morning

Our Kitchen Staff works hard to put out a spread. Here this table is one of the ones set up for a fellowship event.



Now tell me - who doesn't like pastries?



Our variety of Mini-quiches are always a big hit.



Bagels come in a variety of flavors and ready to eat.



These baked biscuits go well with any meal.

Bagels are pre-sliced

Bagels are pre-sliced

You don't need to look for a knife to slice your bagels. Our Kitchen Staff has already taken care of that for you. Just slather your favorite spread and enjoy.

Fruit and Cheese Platter

Fruit and Cheese Platter

Our Kitchen Staff works hard to put out a spread. Here they put together a platter of a few types of cheeses, grapes. and strawberries.

Closeup of Fellowship Table

Closeup of Fellowship Table

Here we zoomed in a little to show the setup of a previous picture of our fellowship morning table.



This platter is welcomed by all. It has a few types of cheeses, grapes, strawberries and pepperoni - salami.

Fellowship Brunch

Fellowship Brunch

One of the tables that our Kitchen Staff prepare for fellowship. Other pictures here show some of the dishes.

Center Pieces

Center Pieces

On special occasions our tables are set with a centerpiece. This is one of them.

Hall set for Fellowship

Hall set for Fellowship

Our Fellowship Hall is converted to a Meal Hall for our special occasion get togethers.



This dip was preared by one of our members. It is always a great hit.

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